Performance Management is a comprehensive mindset of how you think about and build a high-performing, results-driven team. More than just an annual “administrative” process, it is, first, how you align your roles and resources to the strategy and culture of the organization and, then, assess and develop your resources to accomplish your strategic goals. By leveraging an organizationally-aligned performance management approach, your employees will be more engaged, empowered and accountable.
lesson 1
introduction to organizational alignment
Understand the importance of aligning people to strategy and culture
lesson 2
performance management
Understand how to develop high-performing, results-driven teams in your organization
lesson 3
align assessments with roles and competencies
Ensure assessments are contributing to the organizational strategy by aligning them with roles and their associated competencies
lesson 4
Tips to Embed and Sustain Effective Employee Development Plans
Leverage assessment and individual development plan tools that support organizationally-aligned performance management
lesson 5
tips to improve performance management
Hold managers and employees accountable
Implement governance models to improve performance plans and assessments
The cost for one year access to this online training is $24.95 per user; discounts apply to the purchase of multiple courses and will be applied in your cart before your transaction is processed. To purchase one or more of these courses, click the Buy Now button below for your online purchase.
To purchase multi-user access for your organization and/or team, please contact us; even greater discounts apply.