Culture is that “hard-to-touch", but very real element essential to an organization’s success in driving forward its strategy and objectives. More than “Casual Friday”, or a well-stocked break-room, a cohesive culture is key to the establishment of operating expectations, norms and boundaries. Culture is the permeating glue that holds the organization together. By creating and embedding a distinct culture in your organization you effectively differentiate your organization to both the marketplace and the workforce. Improved organizational results, through a workforce that is more engaged, are inevitable.
Lesson 1
introduction to organizational alignment
Understand the importance of aligning people to strategy and culture
lesson 2
what is culture?
Understand the importance of a common culture in setting the ground rules on how people are expected to treat one another in the workplace (and beyond)
lesson 3
define your culture and create a culture statement
Create a culture statement unique to your organization
lesson 4
anchoring your culture
Embed your culture into your organization and leverage it to accomplish your strategy
lesson 5
engagement and empowerment
Understand how to leverage diversity
Find the right people for your organization's culture
The cost for one year access to this online training is $24.95 per user; discounts apply to the purchase of multiple courses and will be applied in your cart before your transaction is processed. To purchase one or more of these courses, click the Buy Now button below for your online purchase.
To purchase multi-user access for your organization and/or team, please contact us; even greater discounts apply.